Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Cooling of in Silk Creek, photo by Keith Taitt Posted by Picasa


jo(e) said...

What a great photo. Nothing beats rushing water on a hot day.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thank you Pea and jo(e) for your comments! Since both of you are members of the Silk Creek Portal, you can both post pictures, stories, comments, poems, art directly yourselves--and please do!!!

Silk Creek is a wonderful place to visit in hot weather. The rushing water is cooling in a way that calm water never can be. If you sit still in calm water, you warm the water around you with your body until you sit in an envelope of warmed water. This never happens at the creek. And it is so wild and lovely there.

I do like a beach, but I mostly prefer private quiet beaches or beaches out of season, though I must say when I was on Belle Isle and it was near a hundred and the beach was crowded and the air was thick with humidity and the sun huge and pale and red, I wanted to stop my motorcycle and take a picture.

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